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Яркая кондитерская с игровой зоной для детей R-01

Bright pastry shop with a play area for children R-01

Яркая кондитерская с игровой зоной для детей R-01

Bright pastry shop with a play area for children R-01

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 130 thousand euros Project designer - JK Lab Toy Treats is more than just a candy store, it's a place where delicious treats meet family fun and...

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Ретро бар в центре столицы R-02

Retro bar in the center of the capital R-02

Location - Warsaw, Poland Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Veselka is an energetic combination of retro style and modern design, attracting young people w...

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Кофе-бар с ярким акцентным дизайном R-03

Coffee bar with a bright accent design R-03

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 35 thousand euros Project designer - GERDA.project Introducing "LITTLE SINS" - a coffee bar with a bright accent design that offers not only qua...

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Пикантный Ресторан азиатско-американской кухни R-04

Spicy Asian-American Restaurant R-04

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk A restaurant where Eastern traditions and American dynamics merge. Our company took a bol...

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