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Премиум вилла с пятью спальнями и СПА

Premium five-bedroom villa with SPA

Премиум вилла с пятью спальнями и СПА

Premium five-bedroom villa with SPA

Location - Athens, Greece Budget - up to 180 thousand euros Project designer - Ekaterina Stefan This luxurious two-story villa with five bedrooms and a SPA area embodies an elite level of ...

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Стеклянный дом с большим проектором A01-01

Glass house with large projector A01-01

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 30 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk The living room is equipped with a soft corner sofa with a folding mechanism to create a...

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Доступные апартаменты для застройщиков: универсальный дизайн T-03
Двухкомнатная квартира

Affordable apartments for developers: universal design T-03

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 9 thousand euros for apartments The project included a high-quality selection of furniture for eight apartments intended for rental. A factory col...

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Прогрессивная школа с ярким бутиком S-01

Progressive school with a bright boutique S-01

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Oksana Konoval The Trinity School project is a unique combination of a modern educational environment and a...

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Стильный апарт-отель с компактными номерами H-05

Stylish apart-hotel with compact rooms H-05

Location - Kiev, Ukraine Budget - up to 12 thousand euros per room Project designer - AGG Design Every element of this hotel apartment has been carefully selected to create the perfect ble...

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Комфортабельный апарт-отель в Киеве H-04

Comfortable apart-hotel in Kyiv H-04

Location - Kiev, Ukraine Budget - up to 12 thousand euros per room Project designer - AGG Design A room at the Manhattan apart-hotel is not just housing, but a place where every square met...

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Апарт-отель с акцентным санузлом H-03

Apart-hotel with accent bathroom H-03

Location - Kiev, Ukraine Budget - up to 8 thousand euros per room Project designer - AGG Design This hotel apartment project is a carefully considered balance between functionality and sty...

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Современный апарт-отель в центре столицы H-02

Modern apart-hotel in the center of the capital H-02

Location - Kiev, Ukraine Budget - up to 12 thousand euros per room Project designer - AGG Design Ideally designed for modern living, each room at the aparthotel is equipped with everything...

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Офисное пространство для IT-специалистов OFF-01

Office space for IT specialists OFF-01

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 120 thousand euros Project designer - ZikZak At first glance at the office design for an IT company, it becomes clear: modernity and style are v...

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Яркая кондитерская с игровой зоной для детей R-01

Bright pastry shop with a play area for children R-01

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 130 thousand euros Project designer - JK Lab Toy Treats is more than just a candy store, it's a place where delicious treats meet family fun and...

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Ретро бар в центре столицы R-02

Retro bar in the center of the capital R-02

Location - Warsaw, Poland Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Veselka is an energetic combination of retro style and modern design, attracting young people w...

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Кофе-бар с ярким акцентным дизайном R-03

Coffee bar with a bright accent design R-03

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 35 thousand euros Project designer - GERDA.project Introducing "LITTLE SINS" - a coffee bar with a bright accent design that offers not only qua...

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Однокомнатная уютная квартира в бежевых тонах A02-05
Однокомнатная квартира

One-room cozy apartment in beige tones A02-05

Location - Aphrodite Hills, Cyprus Budget - up to 30 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk This apartment represents the art of implementing modern design in every detail. S...

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Яркая квартира для молодой пары A02-01
Однокомнатная квартира

Bright apartment for a young couple A02-01

Location - Aphrodite Hills, Cyprus Budget - up to 16 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk The apartment design is ideal for a young couple looking for a light, bright and c...

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Светлая трехкомнатная квартира с  большим бассейном A03-01
Трехкомнатная квартира

Bright three-room apartment with a large swimming pool A03-01

Location - Limassol, Cyprus Budget - up to 40 thousand euros Project designer - Olga Pavlova A bright and elegant apartment where every detail has been carefully thought out to create an i...

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Три компактных санузла для виллы в стиле модерн V-02

Three compact bathrooms for a villa in Art Nouveau style V-02

Location - Paphos, Cyprus Budget - up to 10 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk The first bathroom demonstrates a spectacular design using natural marble accent ceramic ti...

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Просторная и уютная вилла для большой семьи V-01

Spacious and cozy villa for a large family V-01

Location - Aphrodite Hills, Cyprus Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk The design project of the villa combines modern style and functionality, creati...

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Лесная уютная гостиница H-01

Forest cozy hotel H-01

Location - Crottendorf , Germany Budget - up to 80 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk Holidays at a German forest hotel are transformed into a unique experience thanks to...

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Пикантный Ресторан азиатско-американской кухни R-04

Spicy Asian-American Restaurant R-04

Location - Limmasol, Cyprus Budget - up to 60 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk A restaurant where Eastern traditions and American dynamics merge. Our company took a bol...

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Пространство Памяти для Питомцев OFF-3

Memory Space for Pets OFF-3

Location - Sion, Switzerland Budget - up to 15 thousand euros Project designer - Dmitry Stolyarchuk The crematorium spac...

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