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Спальня Мечты: Кровать с Защитой от Света и Шума

Dream Bedroom: Light and Noise Protection Bed

Спальня Мечты: Кровать с Защитой от Света и Шума

Dream Bedroom: Light and Noise Protection Bed

Elegant Sleeping Shelter Our designers have created a unique bed with a wide, rounded headboard, which functionally protects its owners from excessive light and the external atmosphere. This ...

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Не просто спальня: Место для творчества и релаксации в стильном интерьере

Not just a bedroom: A place for creativity and relaxation in a stylish interior

Unique bed: comfort and stylish solution The spacious bed with an unusual design offers a headboard made in the form of soft pillows, which adds comfort while reading or watching TV in bed. H...

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Универсальный дизайн и оптимальное использование пространства в спальне

Versatile design and optimal use of space in the bedroom

Spacious bed with functional details Our unusually designed bed is not just a place to sleep, but also a center of comfort and coziness. An upholstered headboard provides extra support and co...

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Инновационный дизайн и уют в вашей спальне

Innovative design and comfort in your bedroom

Spacious bed with functional headboard Our beds are not only spacious, but also have an unusual design, where the headboard acts as soft pillows, providing additional comfort and support. An ...

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Идеальная спальня для молодой пары: стиль и комфорт

The ideal bedroom for a young couple: style and comfort

Elegant bed with metal legs Our bed stands on high metal legs, which allows for convenient cleaning using a robot vacuum cleaner. This significantly saves time on cleaning and maintains perfe...

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Светлая и воздушная: оформление компактной спальни

Light and airy: decorating a compact bedroom

Bed with wide headboard and integrated LED lighting The central design element is the bed with a wide headboard that spans the entire wall, with integrated LED lighting. This feature creates ...

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Комфортабельная спальня с туалетным столиком для макияжа

Comfortable bedroom with makeup vanity

Elegant bed with legs: style and functionality In the center of the room is an elegant roll-top bed with a comfortable mattress, which improves accessibility for cleaning, including the robot...

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Современная Спальня: Элегантность и Функциональность в Деталях

Modern Bedroom: Elegance and Functionality in Details

Elegant ceiling panel and functional bed The centerpiece of the room is a striking painted MDF ceiling panel, which can be customized through custom milling, adding a unique touch to the desi...

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Спальня в пастельных тонах: релакс и уют

Bedroom in pastel colors: relaxation and comfort

The central element is a decorative panel with milling A designer ceiling panel made of painted MDF with individual milling effectively zones the space between the bedroom and the bathroom. T...

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Инновационный Дизайн Спальни: Сочетание Комфорта, Функциональности и Современного Стиля

Innovative Bedroom Design: Combination of Comfort, Functionality and Modern Style

Designer bed for maximum comfort In the center of the bedroom there is a designer bed on unique wooden legs, covered with wear-resistant fabric that is easy to care for and durable. The bed i...

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